High capacity Solutions
If you have a high volume of cables to be processed then you might need one of the Eldan’s Cable Recycling systems with capacities reaching from 2,000 to 4,000 kg/production per hour or even a custom designed line with higher capacities of 6,000, 8,000 or even 10,000 kg/ production per hour.
Eldan Cable Recycling lines are known for its high performance, yet low production costs. The solutions ensure minimum loss of valuable metals and metal purity of 99,5% in output. The systems and machines are developed based on well-known and proven mechanical technology for size reduction and separation – this means melting will not occur and chemical treatment will not be required.
In the Cable Recycling Systems you will be able to process all type of dry cables (hair-wire, harness wire, communication wire, installation wire, power cables with copper or aluminum conductors, copper wire, ACSR-wire and mixed household wire), jelly filled cables and underground cables.